Every Psalm is special and needed and beautiful, but some of them have won a special place in our hearts. Charles Spurgeon, one of the greatest Bible teachers of the 19th century, called the 84th Psalm, “one of the choicest of the collection.” He wrote, “If the twenty-third be the most popular, the one-hundred-and-third the most joyful, the one-hundred-and-nineteenth the most deeply experimental, the fifty-first the most plaintive, this is one of the most sweet of the Psalms of Peace.”
Psalm 84 is a song about longing, and longings satisfied. Although the tune that the words were originally sung to has been lost down through the ages this Psalm definitely contains thoughts that make the heart sing. I’m looking forward to unpacking this Psalm together this Sunday and between now and then I encourage you carve out time in your own devotions to give it a read.