October 2017
End of An Era
1 Samuel 8 As of December 15, 2017, AOL Instant Messenger products and services will be shut down and will no longer work. They are shutting down AIM, it is quietly disappearing into the night, a mere shadow of what it once was. The end of an era has come. We are in the final chapter […]
September 2017
No Substitutes
1 Samuel 5-6 Determination is a poor substitute for reading the directions. Determination gets me in trouble, well not really determination per se. I suppose even the word itself is truly a poor substitute for my real folly which is probably more accurately defined as stubbornness. Now stubbornness IS determination, however it’s more my determination […]
August 2017
Why Do We Want What We Want
1 Samuel 1-2:11 Pastor Andrew introduces a new series based on the book of 1 Samuel. God knew the rebellion of the nation, God knew the lack of love they had for each other, God knew they couldn’t fix this on their own, but God also knew they’d try. The end of the book […]