Abounding in Every Good Work

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Ever since last fall, I have tried something different in my personal devotions. Rather than reading my way through books of the Bible I selected ten blocks of scripture and set out to memorize them over the course of the winter. I printed them out and stuck them in my car, the pockets of my jacket, and used them as bookmarks. I began the day with an hour focused on memorization and prayer, but throughout the day I would visit and revisit the passages. I was surprised at the ways God used them in my life. At times it felt eerily conversational in a way that I had only rarely experienced before in my walk with God. You would think that after spending a week or two with a passage of scripture that it would stop yielding fresh insights, but not so. God kept speaking to me in new ways even months after I had first committed a passage to memory. With each portion of scripture, I had the same experience. It was like crawling into a cavern through a narrow opening, but then as you went further in the passage opened up and it just kept going and going, widening out and surprising me with all that it contained.

One of those passages that I committed to memory this past winter (Is it ever safe to describe the winter as “past” here in the County?) was 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. These verses proved very useful to me this past winter and I’m excited to gather our whole church around them this Sunday.