The purpose of this sermon series, in which we are studying the eight miraculous signs of John, is to see and understand Jesus more clearly. When we describe ourselves as “Christians,” Christ-followers, we are saying that He is the target at which we are aiming our lives. You cannot hit a target that you cannot see very clearly. So the purpose of studying these signs is to bring our target, Jesus, into sharper focus in order that our hope in Him would be more sure and we might follow Him more truly.
In John 5:1-18 we come to the third miraculous sign found in John’s Gospel. It contains the account of a time when Jesus miraculously healed a man who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. It is surely a story that showcases the awesome compassion and power of Jesus, but it also raises a difficult question. If Jesus is so compassionate and powerful why did he heal only one man in that place so full of human suffering? If he worked this miracle for one, why not more? Why not all? Why not you and me?
I hope you can listen in as we wrestle with this question, and enjoy our God together in the midst of His Word.