I Have Given You An Example

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Come with me into the upper room. As we enter we smell and see a dinner laid out on a low table. Around the table are some men, and there is Jesus. I don’t know how we would recognize Him, but I suspect that the Holy Spirit that lives within us would leap in recognition of Him if we were to encounter Him face to face. Yes, it’s Jesus alright. Suddenly, Jesus rises, takes off his outer garments, wraps a towel around His waist, and pours water into a basin. Then he does a surprising thing. Stooping down, he begins washing the disciples’ feet. More than just surprising it is uncomfortable. The men look sheepish and embarrassed as their master washes their feet.

Join us as we worship God through the study of His Word by giving an old, familiar story (John 13:3-17) a fresh look. We’ll be talking about the joyous necessity of both serving and being served within Christian community.