The Psalms are a masterclass on the topic of how to worship. They are a collection of Holy-Spirit-inspired song lyrics, but, of course, worship is more than just singing songs. God makes it plain in His Word that all of life- every day, every season, every pursuit, every relationship, every gift and every facet of our lives- should be offered up to God in worship. We would be making a mistake if we thought of worship as something that we separated off from the everyday of our lives. A posture of worship should soak into the life of a maturing Christian like dye into fabric. It permeates the whole thing and finds continuous expression in our lives as we walk with Jesus. Worship is nothing less than the outward expression of our inner treasuring of God.
That’s what I love about the psalms. They give us words of worship that are fitting for every conceivable human emotion, and they teach us how to talk to God with a worshipful honesty even when our inner world is messy and the world around us is chaotic. The Psalms are full of thoughts to make your heart sing, and I’m looking forward to spending some time in selected psalms in the coming weeks.
In this message, let’s take a look at Psalm 1.