The Conversion of Lydia

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The sixteenth chapter of Acts documents for us the moment when the Gospel first arrived onto the mainland of the European continent. In the centuries that followed Christianity would go on to become the prevailing worldview of nearly all European peoples. Christianity would serve as the muse that inspired painters, musicians, architects, and craftsmen of all sorts. From those countries Christianity would gain many of its most influential thought leaders. Today the European landscape is dotted with cathedrals, and the history of those nations is deeply intertwined with a Christian past, but when Paul and his companions first landed ashore with the Gospel, Europe was as unreached as the wildest corner of Papua New Guinea. Acts 16 records for us the name of the very first convert to Christianity from among the Europeans. Her name was Lydia. She was a dyer of purple cloth and business woman living in the Greek city of Philippi.

I hope you can listen in as we study the short but meaningful account of how Lydia became a follower of Jesus.